Fotografia ślubna Massachusetts, Connecticut i Rhode Island autorstwa Connie Miller
Zdjęcie zrobione przez: 
Heather McGrath
6600 + (USD)

Connie Miller

Studio Atticus | Fotograf ślubny z Bostonu


Artysta z pasją, mający obsesję na punkcie uchwycenia miłości

Connie was trained in black and white film photography, and she holds a BA in Studio Art. Having worked professionally as a wedding photographer for over 20 years, she has had the joy of documenting over 500 weddings. Connie makes her images with Leica M cameras and her style is unscripted, artistic, and emotional. She is loved by her clients for her ninja-like photographic skills, perfect organization, and her unwavering sense of calm and kindness.

Nagrody 6 za dokumentalną fotografię ślubną

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